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Testing and Nurturing Champions in SaaS Sales in 2023

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In the fast-paced world of SaaS sales, building long-term relationships with customers is critical. To do this, companies need to focus on testing and nurturing champions who can advocate for their product and influence key decision-makers. In this post, we’ll explore the common mistakes that traditional sales executives make in SaaS sales, and how to avoid them by testing and nurturing champions.

What is a Champion in SaaS Sales?

In SaaS sales, a champion is someone within a customer’s organisation who advocates for your product on your behalf when you’re not present. They are critical for influencing key decision-makers required to obtain budget for the solution. A champion will also ensure that the implementation of the product is successful within their organisation. They act as a bridge between your company and the customer, and without a strong champion, closing a deal can be challenging.

Why Testing Champions is Important

While a champion is essential to the success of any SaaS sales effort, it’s essential to ensure that they are as committed as you are to achieving successful implementation of your product within their organisation. If a champion is not fully committed to your product, they may not be able to influence the key decision-makers required to close the deal. This could result in a loss of time and resources for your company.

Ways to Test Your Champion

One way to test your champion is by gaining an introduction to relevant senior stakeholders in the customer’s organisation. This will allow you to confirm that the champion has the necessary influence and authority to drive the implementation of your product.

Another way to test your champion is by stimulating adoption internally. You can do this by providing them with the necessary training and support to help them successfully advocate for your product within their organisation. This will help them gain credibility and trust among other stakeholders, ultimately increasing the chances of success for your product.

Lastly, a champion can provide you with inside information on how your product and organisation is being perceived by them internally. This information is invaluable in helping you identify and address any issues that may be hindering your sales efforts.

Establishing a Healthy Cadence of Communication with Champions

To ensure the success of your sales efforts, it’s important to establish a healthy cadence of communication with your champions. This includes regular check-ins to understand how your product is being received and implemented within their organisation. You can also use this time to provide additional training and support to help them advocate for your product more effectively.

Another important aspect of maintaining healthy communication with your champions is to ensure that they feel valued and appreciated. This can be achieved by recognising their contributions publicly and offering incentives for their efforts.

Common Mistakes in Traditional Sales

One of the biggest mistakes that traditional sales executives make in the SaaS industry is focusing solely on closing deals. While closing a deal is important, it’s equally important to focus on building relationships with your customers. By neglecting the relationship-building aspect of sales, you run the risk of losing a customer’s loyalty in the long run.

Another common mistake in traditional sales is not providing enough support after the sale. In the SaaS industry, it’s critical to ensure that your product is successfully implemented within the customer’s organisation. This requires ongoing support and training to ensure that the customer is using your product effectively.

Lastly, many traditional sales executives make the mistake of not nurturing their champions. Champions are critical for influencing key decision-makers required to obtain budget for the solution and ensuring successful implementation of the product within the customer’s organisation. By neglecting your champions, you run the risk of losing their support, which could result in lost sales opportunities.


Champions are critical for influencing key decision-makers required to obtain budget for the solution and ensuring successful implementation of the product within the customer’s organisation. To test and nurture champions, companies can gain an introduction to relevant senior stakeholders, stimulate adoption internally, and gather valuable feedback on how the product is being received. Establishing a healthy cadence of communication with champions is also essential to ensure their continued support and success. By avoiding the common mistakes of traditional sales executives, companies can increase their chances of success in the SaaS industry.

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